All of the content on this site is updated by me personally.
Some of the ways to describe me include: father, husband, copywriter, marketer, game developer, artist, writer, and chef.
More about me:
Lived and worked from 36 different countries
Became the top affiliate for financial products in the UK
Sold more than $1 million in wild-caught seafood during COVID
Wrote copy for one of the most well-known personal brands on the internet
My site is where I express myself in writing. You can also find my content on social media sites. Choose the one you prefer or support me on them all — up to you.
Finally, for updates via email:

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World's most internationally culturally aware man. After living and working online for 11 years from 36 countries, my unique perspective on the world helps me provide valuable takes on current events. Read them all for free here.